DEI Leadership Team
Crystal’s DEI Leadership Team aims to develop the equity literacy and culturally responsive practices of faculty, staff, and students in order to live out our core values and ensure that the Crystal is a place where all community members are affirmed and able to thrive.
Who is the DEI Leadership team?
The DEI is lead by the Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer and two faculty co-chairs, one from each division. Members of the DEI include Upper and Middle School Division Heads, Deans of Students, at least one member of each academic department, members of the student government, and additional student representatives.
What does the DEI do?
The DEI's primary goals are to provide a space for Crystal students and adults to engage in their own growth and development as it relates to topics of equity and inclusion as well as to allow for collaboration and planning of community events. DEI supported events and initiatives include MLK Day Assemblies and Community Potluck, Women Driving Change Conference, Crystal Circles, and the Gender Inclusion Task Force.